Americana / Folk / New Music / Stream

NEW MUSIC: John Salaway – It’s All In Your Mind


Some songs float along with a weightlessness, a gentle tangle and flow that sounds elevated, lightheaded and dreamy. John Salaway‘s ‘It’s All In Your Mind’ is one of those ones. With the sound of CSN deeply embedded in its DNA, the song rides linear and rhythmic, finger-picked acoustic guitar and some evocative strings. The Beatles are buried in there too. The icing on the cake is Salaway’s voice (and Bri Murphy’s) – that gentle, sensitive ache and yearning he invests in his register and tone. Lovely stuff.

Salaway is a multi-instrumentalist Nashville resident who has also played as sideman to numerous high profile acts and apprenticed under The Beatles’ sound engineer, Geoff Emerick.

‘It’s All In Your Mind’ comes from his new album Americana Dreams, out now.

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